Saturday, December 28, 2013

Nativities and Gingerbread Houses

Festival of the Nativities at the Stake Center next to the Seattle Temple.
The family and Grandpa Dan saw a ton of different nativity sets at the church. This year they had a scavenger hunt for the kids to do. Caramel enjoyed the hunt. Some of them where really hard to find and we had to ask volunteers for help. Besides the gym, there were 4 other rooms. One room for kids with crafts and nativity toys- Rhett enjoyed that room. Another room with dress up- we took a picture in our normal clothes. Rhett wouldn't stop touching the baby Jesus especially his eyes. Myles found the baby Jesus interesting too and stared at it for a while. Another room went through the life of Jesus with pictures and displays, it was nicely done and even had tomb that looked real at the end. The last room was more of a kid room with snow all over. The nativities were more fun like snowmen, teddy bears, and webkinzs. There is always a live nativity. Mary was a girl that a babysat when I was little with her husband and new baby boy. We also ran into a good friend of my sister's who was over due with her parents and husband.
Grandpa Dan- the watcher of Myles. Nothing was broken by him.
Rhett smiling with the alligator.
After we went to Grandpa Dan's for gingerbread houses. This year I decided to do simple graham cracker ones instead of by a kit. The icing took awhile to master. We made 4 cube houses in the end. A couple weeks later the kids came back to Grandpa Dan's and eat what they wanted from them.
Daddy and Myles relaxing. White shirt twins.

Santa Visit

We made it to Santa! Didn't think I would have the energy or motivation, but there was a SNOW DAY on the last day before Caramel's Winter Break. So early afternoon on Friday, we headed for Santa. Luckily my dad was there and the line was short, because all Myles wanted to do is RUN. Caramel was trying to convince me she didn't need to be in the picture. She wanted nothing to do with Santa. No picture and no telling what she wanted. I believe this is all because she saw A Christmas Story movie for the first time. The Santa isn't too friendly in the movie. In the end she did what I asked her and they even sat crying Myles on her lap. He kept sliding down and running away. Finally, we got him to sit long enough to distract him and get smiles all around.

Caramel asked for a Barbie house; she received a huge one from Santa 2 or 3 years ago. I think that was her safety reply for some reason. I know she really wants a hamster, but I told her Santa won't bring something Daddy and Mommy say no to. One thing she has asked for is a trampoline which is happening. Rhett asked for a remote control house? A new thing, a couple days ago it was a remote control Jeep then turned to car and now house. To clarify a remote control house is a remote control RV with a trailer attached. I am pretty sure Myles is getting a vacuum from Santa because he loves the real one and always wants to be in control.

Anthony took Caramel and Rhett for a little ride. He even got out his bike and attached the sled to get some extra speed. The snow didn't last, it was gone by the night time.

Friday, December 6, 2013

A Thank You a Day and South Dakota

I am thankful for holidays. - Caramel
I am thankful for McQueen. - Rhett
I am thankful for baptism. - Caramel
I am thankful for rocking chairs.- Myles
I am thankful for church/gospel. - Caramel
I am thankful for our talents.- Daddy
I am thankful for Jesus Christ. - Caramel
I am thankful Jesus is my friend. - Rhett
I am thankful for the Godhead. - Caramel
I am thankful for windows. - Myles
I am thankful for our new baby. - Caramel
I am thankful I can climb trees. - Rhett
I am thankful for our house. Caramel
I am thankful for turkeys. - Mommy
I am thankful Jesus Christ birth at Christmas. - Caramel
I am thankful for seals. - Caramel
I am thankful for clocks. - Rhett
I am thankful for nice brothers. - Caramel
(said after Rhett was being rude)
I am thankful for Christmas lights. - Rhett
I am thankful Jesus born in Bethlehem. - Caramel
I am thankful for corn dogs. - Rhett
(said while eating a corn dog)
I am thankful for months. - Caramel
I am thankful for dead bird daddy shot. - Rhett
(Daddy went hunting in South Dakota)
I am thankful for shoes. - Myles
Daddy is thankful for cars. - Caramel
Daddy is thankful for turkey. - Rhett
Mommy is thankful for dinner. - Rhett

Anthony made it out to South Dakota before Thanksgiving. Picture of Grandpa Neil, Daddy, and Great Uncle Rodger. They had a good hunt and Anthony even brought back a couple pheasants. We had some on Thanksgiving after the normal food was consumed. The kids and I had some friends over on different nights to help keep us entertained when Daddy was gone.  

We had Thanksgiving dinner at Grandpa Dan's. It was nice and relaxing. Don't know when I will actually have to be in charge of making Thanksgiving dinner, but I am glad it didn't come this year.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Primary Program

The theme for Primary Program this year was "I am a Child of God." I was called into Primary early in the year and had the responsibility of writing the program. This program happens during sacrament meeting usually 45 minutes long. The Primary kids (ages 4 to 11) speak and sing about the theme. I don't mind planning things, but I am not a performer. Luckily all I had to do is help at the microphone and try and stay out of sight with my large belly self.
Rhett, who is actually only 3, was able to be in the program. He did a great job speaking in the microphone and sitting somewhat reverently on the stage.
Rhett- I am a Child of God. I have a body. I can make good choices with my body. I can use my hands, feet, ears, and eyes to help people.
Caramel did a good job speaking and even sang two verses of "I am a Child of God" as a solo. It was going to be a duet but her friend was unable to attend. She knew the song, but she looked at the words the whole time singing being shy.
Caramel- “The family is ordained of God.” Heavenly Father wants us to go to the temple and be in a family. Heavenly Father loves me. My dad and mom love me. There are 5 people in my family, mom, dad, me, Rhett and Myles. Because of the temple our family can be together forever.
After we got home Caramel wanted to take a picture of my belly, which she did. This is the only picture of my belly and face she took.