Friday, December 6, 2013

A Thank You a Day and South Dakota

I am thankful for holidays. - Caramel
I am thankful for McQueen. - Rhett
I am thankful for baptism. - Caramel
I am thankful for rocking chairs.- Myles
I am thankful for church/gospel. - Caramel
I am thankful for our talents.- Daddy
I am thankful for Jesus Christ. - Caramel
I am thankful Jesus is my friend. - Rhett
I am thankful for the Godhead. - Caramel
I am thankful for windows. - Myles
I am thankful for our new baby. - Caramel
I am thankful I can climb trees. - Rhett
I am thankful for our house. Caramel
I am thankful for turkeys. - Mommy
I am thankful Jesus Christ birth at Christmas. - Caramel
I am thankful for seals. - Caramel
I am thankful for clocks. - Rhett
I am thankful for nice brothers. - Caramel
(said after Rhett was being rude)
I am thankful for Christmas lights. - Rhett
I am thankful Jesus born in Bethlehem. - Caramel
I am thankful for corn dogs. - Rhett
(said while eating a corn dog)
I am thankful for months. - Caramel
I am thankful for dead bird daddy shot. - Rhett
(Daddy went hunting in South Dakota)
I am thankful for shoes. - Myles
Daddy is thankful for cars. - Caramel
Daddy is thankful for turkey. - Rhett
Mommy is thankful for dinner. - Rhett

Anthony made it out to South Dakota before Thanksgiving. Picture of Grandpa Neil, Daddy, and Great Uncle Rodger. They had a good hunt and Anthony even brought back a couple pheasants. We had some on Thanksgiving after the normal food was consumed. The kids and I had some friends over on different nights to help keep us entertained when Daddy was gone.  

We had Thanksgiving dinner at Grandpa Dan's. It was nice and relaxing. Don't know when I will actually have to be in charge of making Thanksgiving dinner, but I am glad it didn't come this year.

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