Tuesday, January 28, 2014

31 Years Old

Turned 31 this year.
Lots of candles on the cake!
Enjoyed a girl's night with dinner and movie,
a home cooked meal,
new shoes,
a gift card,
ice cream,
being 36 weeks pregnant,
and just being with my family.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Great Wolf Lodge

Road trip to Great Wolf Lodge! We wanted to make it to Great Wolf Lodge at least once a year during the winter season to have some fun activity. We didn't make it last year. This year was proving to be a little difficult with the baby coming and other projects. Caramel wanted to go to Great Wolf Lodge for her birthday, but with a new born coming and Myles the follow through wouldn't happen. So we quick scheduled it and went on a Sunday-Monday that Caramel didn't have school.
Caramel and Rhett had a blast. Caramel loves the slides and wave pool. At the end Caramel also enjoyed the obstacle course with lily pads and ropes above your head. Rhett loves the "hot tub" which is the real shallow area (making the water warmer than the wave pool) with climbing areas and little slides. He liked going down the slide and giving me a high five at the bottom. Myles loves sleeping in his own bed, so the days and night were long for him. He enjoyed the water but also liked to just sit there and lunge in a pool chair.
Since the school year started I have been watching a girl and boy Caramel and Rhett's age. They happened to be there too. They kids played with them a little and saw them at story time.
Little Myles hanging out in the room with Grandma Brenda.
Sleeping at a hotel is like the most amazing thing to Caramel and Rhett. They just think it is awesome. If you are an adult and don't want any sleep, you would take my kids to a hotel. It is horrible- could not wait to sleep in regular beds.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Blanket Boy

Myles is a blanket boy. This soft yellow blanket was actually given to Caramel at her baby shower, but not really used until Myles. He loves this blanket. When I take Myles out of his crib, I just take out him but he ventures back into his room and pulls the blanket out of the crib. If he can't reach it, he will let you know. He is the first child to have an attachment to an object. Caramel never really had anything consistent. Rhett has a blue blanket but it stays in his bed. Rhett's blanket is a croqueted blanket; he likes to stick his fingers in the holes. Myles will cover his head with the blanket after you set him down in the crib to fall asleep. He will also walk around with it on his head, head injuries have occurred.

Rhett's Birthday

Rhett had a small birthday party with 3 friends. Rhett still loves cars so things have not changed that much. Once the friends arrived the first stop was the Family Fun Center. They went to Kidopolis and then rode the small bumper cars outside, but they received an extra long turn with no one else wanting to be outside in the rain.
After that is was home for some lunch and cupcakes. Of course the kids were only hungry for cupcakes, so lunch went fast. Rhett was asking for Chick Hick cupcakes since forever. He knew he had a Lightening McQueen one last year so Chick Hick was next in line.
Finally we went upstairs to the race track. Anthony had a slot race track when he was little and purchased one during the summer. Rhett was given it for Christmas. Two kids raced while the others ate popcorn and watched. It was an interesting track that went on the wall and circled around for 3 levels.
At the end we opened presents. Rhett got a motorcycle from Grandpa Neil. Originally it was suppose to be a safe 4 wheeler for all ages to enjoy. But it magically turned into a motorcycle that can go 15 mph. Rhett can only ride it when Daddy is available. Anthony rides his bike while Rhett rides the motorcycle. He loves riding it and waits to see if Anthony comes home from work before dark to go for a ride.

Rhett is 50% weight and 80% height. He got 6!!! shots and I had to carry him to the car. I didn't tell him until right before, his eyes were watery but he recovered well just needed some hugs.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Caramel came home with an invitation to the Reflection's Awards night. Didn't know too much about this, but she wanted to go so I put it on the calendar. It was at the local high school in the Auditorium. When they got to Literature Primary section, Caramel won 2nd place for her poem. She was embarrassed to go up and get her prize and certificate but I put her out of her seat to go up front. They gave her this cute note pad full of postcards and a fat pen. There was another girl there from Caramel's class that won in Visual Arts, so we chatted with her after when cupcakes and refreshments were served. Caramel loves to write. She loves note pads and has a ton of them.

Horse Ride Horse
By Caramel Kranz

I like horses.

I think their faces look happy.

I dream of being a horse rider.

I believe I will be happy riding a horse.

I have ridden a horse twice at a farm.

I think they are beautiful and cute.

I am inspired to learn how to ride by myself.

I like horses.


Tiffany Park Elementary

1st Grade - Ms. Leek         

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Monster Jam 2014

Anthony, Caramel, and Rhett went to the annual Monster Jam at the Tacoma Dome. I wanted to have dinner and cupcakes before this event and call it Rhett's birthday party since two other family friends attended Monster Jam. But my "cheaper chicken" ways didn't play out.
Rhett had a bag packed with monster trucks and snacks. Don't worry, they still spend the $15!! on cotton candy. But it came in a foam monster truck. Again, don't worry, Myles destroyed that foam truck as soon as he got his grubby hands on it. 
Highlights I heard about from the kids:
A monster truck, N.E.A. smashing his nose; it was his first show.
And the awesome motorcycle trick show.
The kids got home at 11pm and were still hyper.
Took a while for them to relax and go to sleep. 

New Kitchen

In previous years when the kids ask me what I want for Christmas I would say, "A new kitchen." This Christmas the work began, actually it started on the 17th of December. I know, right before Christmas, but the bigger priority was before the baby comes. I am not a good cook anyways for holiday guests.

Anthony and his friend destroyed the old kitchen Monday evening while the kids and I were at Snowflake Lane. From the 17th to the 20th, we had a new sliding glass door and kitchen window installed, new cabinets, a new oven with gas lines, new microwave, some new outlets, and water pipes fixing hot water pressure and hot water for outside hose. The cabinets are birch with a Honey Spice stain and Mocha highlight. I did a little green painting touch up where needed. Luckily, the new cabinets and countertops matched the current kitchen paint. Then a break.

Yes, eating out when possible, using paper plates and bowls, and using the bathtub as the kitchen sink....never a good thing.

On December 30th measurements were taken for countertops. January 10th countertops put in. It is quartz material called Ellensburg. January 15th running water in the kitchen! Faucet and dishwasher installed. Correct piece of cabinet delivered, annoying. January 22nd little project of baseboards cut and installed.

There are still small projects to be done. One is put in cabinet handles, some are harder to open than others without handles. Only plus is that the kids, Myles, can't open any of the cabinets! Muh hahaha!
Yes, a new white toaster to match and lovely roses from Anthony.
The kids also got an enormous cardboard fort in the garage for a couple days from the cabinet boxes. It was well designed by myself. Caramel labelled the different rooms and added some pictures too. The fort kitchen was fully stocked with strawberries and blueberries. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Christmas Crafting

 Our Christmas tree has turned totally kid friendly with fabric ornaments and wooden ones the kids add every year with a self picture glued on. Anthony and I add one to with a picture of us together. I bought a set of felt snowman ornaments to make last year and tried to actually start them this year. I got 3 out of the 13 finished :( I was doing really good then all of a sudden morning naps took over. Basically I have not been that productive ever since. 
 I did complete these fun letter shadow boxes made out of crayons. I made one for Caramel's teacher and one for Aunt Charity. I enjoyed making them. Myles enjoyed picking up the talent of breaking all the crayons he touches, great example I was setting. Myles has recently conquered the kitchen table and nothing is safe.
Lowe's had a fun workshop for the kids- making Christmas trains. Anthony took Caramel and Rhett to build. There were two other families there making it more fun. We are gathering quite the collection of Lowe's aprons and safety goggles. Caramel did her train all by herself, Rhett enjoyed getting better at hand-eye coordination, and Anthony told stories of other moms that kept needing his help. 
Caramel made this family picture as a part of a gift. There is x-ray vision showing "baby Sally" or "the new born baby."

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Celebrating

We went to downtown Seattle for some post Christmas celebrating.
Grammy had some fun activities planed with Auntie Charity in town.
Anthony and Myles riding the carousal.
Caramel and Rhett at Grammy's house.
 Anthony with mustache and Myles with serious face plus broom.
Caramel in her tent castle were she organized all her new toys.
Rhett trying on some sweet fancy ties.