Friday, January 24, 2014

Blanket Boy

Myles is a blanket boy. This soft yellow blanket was actually given to Caramel at her baby shower, but not really used until Myles. He loves this blanket. When I take Myles out of his crib, I just take out him but he ventures back into his room and pulls the blanket out of the crib. If he can't reach it, he will let you know. He is the first child to have an attachment to an object. Caramel never really had anything consistent. Rhett has a blue blanket but it stays in his bed. Rhett's blanket is a croqueted blanket; he likes to stick his fingers in the holes. Myles will cover his head with the blanket after you set him down in the crib to fall asleep. He will also walk around with it on his head, head injuries have occurred.

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