Saturday, September 29, 2012

2 Months Old Myles

Trying to get a picture of a smile.
Trying again to get smile with camera.

Like my kids would ever fall sleep like this.
Big belly Myles weighing 13lbs and 13oz

Too slow to get the smile.

Relaxing in his chair with turtle.

Matching High Fantasy Unicorn Shirts

I know you look at this picture and you are just so jealous. Right!? Anthony wasted....I mean so generously paid real money for these shirts. Caramel definitely thinks it is runway material just look at that cat walk face. She even has her new camera in her hand to take tons of pictures. Anthony has lots of similar wolf black t-shirts that he loves to wear in public. This shirt will be my "I'm cleaning the house all day and will not be leaving the house" shirt, private not public.

  Here is Rhett sporting his new cozy sweatshirt from Grandma Brenda that now fits him.

Kindergarten Update

Although the kids didn't sleep in today for late start school, we did see a rainbow!

School is going well for Caramel. I walked her to the line up spot for the first 2 weeks of school then she requested I just drop her off. When I asked why she said, "because I'm a Tiffany Park girl." She wants to be as independent as possible. It was easy to switch to just letting her jump out of the van especially since the boys and I can be in PJs. It is still disappointing to her that there is no bus ride involved in school. She loves the long days when she gets to eat lunch at school. We have gone to Tiffany Park several times after school to play. There are usually one or two kids from Caramel's class there. Here is her kindergarten picture.

Friday, September 14, 2012

School for the Boys

Rhett got to go to school as well. Here he is holding his All About Me collage. He will rotate going to 4 different houses including ours for Joy School to play and learn with 3 of his friends. It is once a week for 2 hours. It will be super fun for him and his friends.
Here is Myles, picture taken by Caramel. She wanted him to go to school as well so she got the Barbie backpack ready for him. Myles is getting bigger and stronger everyday. I have to wake him for the drive to school but he normally sleeps through drop off. Here is a closer picture of Baby Myles.

Picture Day

Picture day for Caramel started off good with some smiling practice. Hair combing was still a pain but was complished. We drove to school with everything going well, then lined up. Just as the class was about to walk in, Caramel come to me and says she wants to go home. Surprised I put her back in line and had her start talking to a girl in her class then off she went into the classroom. About an hour later the nurse calls with Caramel crying and wanting to talk to me. So Caramel gets on the phone but I can't understand anything. Back to school I go. Caramel is sad and crying when I get there with a stomachache. We go home and she falls asleep on my bed with a hot wash cloth she requested. She sleeps a couple hours then wakes up and watches a My Little Pony show and falls asleep again. After awhile she is up and moving. By 4:30pm she is in her swimsuit painting her new rock collection. Quick recovery! Luckily she got her picture taken before she left school, wondering what the smile will look like. 

First Day of School

Here is Caramel on her first day of school. Anthony took her to school in the morning. We are walkers so unfortunately no school bus for Caramel. Still Caramel was very excited for school. We played often at Tiffany Park Elementary during the summer and Caramel couldn't wait for school to start. Caramel is lucky to have a great teacher for kindergarten- Mrs. Twiss was teacher of the year for Renton School District! The class aid is a neighborhood family friend, Mrs. Andelin so that is excellent as well. Caramel also already knew several kids in her class from church and preschool. I am so thankful she loves school.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ice Caves Hike

Caramel's side smile.
Always ready for a picture, Rhett.
So we went on our first hike as a family up to the ice caves near Granite Falls. It was a drive up there up luckily Myles slept and the kids watched a movie. Instead of being an hour drive, it was more like 2 hours long. It was a great hike for kids. Exploring nature made it super fun. Loving the great weather. We ate lunch by the river: Caramel and Rhett put their feet in. Up by the ice caves the air was nice and cool. It felt great. Caramel and Rhett enjoyed collecting random sticks, rocks, and berries on the way up.  

Rhett was always at the end of the hiking train.

This alligator tree eating the kids.

Small Caramel

Myles slept almost all of the day. I had my spit up blanket ready.

Lots of fun trees like this one.

Caramel's berry collection.
When I would look at this I would think- "The great valley,"
watched The Land Before Time too many times.

Love the helpful signs to teach kids how it is dangerous.

Rhett having precious rocks.
Yes, hug the rocks.
Made it to the ice caves.

Myles, aka Benjamin Button, doesn't know about this freezing ice cold river.
Little cutie

Monday, September 3, 2012

Bath Time

Myles likes to relax in the sink while he waits for his bath using Caramel's cozy bath robe.
Then he woke up and couldn't remember where he was.

Caramel had to bring a bucket of toys, while Rhett only grab one car.

Potty Miracle Training

Rhett doesn't wear diapers anymore! Luckily when I decided to put underwear on Rhett, Rhett was ready too. He did an amazing job with potty training. I tried to do potty training right when Myles was born then realized I needed another week or two if I was going to be awake enough.
So off to the store, Rhett picked out his underwear- Walt Disney variety. We got out the chocolate eggs with cars inside them for when Rhett pooped in the potty. Grandpa Neil had given Rhett a whole box of these chocolate eggs and I was waiting for a reason for him to have them. Rhett started telling anyone that came over, "I poop in the potty, I get a chocolate egg." The way he says it is so cute. The "I get a chocolate egg" nice and high pitched.
The amazing thing is that Rhett does not have accidents while sleeping. Hooray!
I believe he has been in underwear for 3 weeks now. We have gone to the zoo, boating, hiking, and the museum with no accidents. I know as soon as I am not prepared for it, it will happen though.
He will just say, "I have to go potty," and dash off to the bathroom.