Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ice Caves Hike

Caramel's side smile.
Always ready for a picture, Rhett.
So we went on our first hike as a family up to the ice caves near Granite Falls. It was a drive up there up luckily Myles slept and the kids watched a movie. Instead of being an hour drive, it was more like 2 hours long. It was a great hike for kids. Exploring nature made it super fun. Loving the great weather. We ate lunch by the river: Caramel and Rhett put their feet in. Up by the ice caves the air was nice and cool. It felt great. Caramel and Rhett enjoyed collecting random sticks, rocks, and berries on the way up.  

Rhett was always at the end of the hiking train.

This alligator tree eating the kids.

Small Caramel

Myles slept almost all of the day. I had my spit up blanket ready.

Lots of fun trees like this one.

Caramel's berry collection.
When I would look at this I would think- "The great valley,"
watched The Land Before Time too many times.

Love the helpful signs to teach kids how it is dangerous.

Rhett having precious rocks.
Yes, hug the rocks.
Made it to the ice caves.

Myles, aka Benjamin Button, doesn't know about this freezing ice cold river.
Little cutie

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