Friday, April 27, 2012

Puyallup Spring Fair

A sunny Saturday and Grandpa Neil in town, we decided to go to the Puyallup Fair. Parking and getting through the gate was nice and quick. We started with looking at a couple of the animal barns. Man, they smelled bad. The kids liked looking at the animals and seeing the curly pig tails.

Then we made it over to the ride section. It think this picture of Grandpa Neil and Rhett is when they saw the chaos of the small crowded area. There were a lot of kid rides in this small area with lines everywhere. It was crazy! The main problem was the lines didn't flow well.

Grandpa Neil got to ride on the Fire Engine ride with the kids that goes in a vertical circle. Anthony did the spinning ride that Grandpa Neil and I were glad watch from the sidelines. Rhett didn't really meet the height requirement on the rides.

After a long day in the sun we got to relax at home and open some presents. Caramel got a fun My Little Pony train set and Rhett some Lightening McQueen Legos. Luckily the Cars were able to share the train tracks with the Ponies.
And of course a ton of chocolate things that was all over their faces by the end.

Breakfast with Grandpa Neil

The kids eating yummy strawberries with whipped cream then pancakes for breakfast. Pancakes are what's for breakfast most often. Rhett will often call any bread like food a pancake. Everything is always more exciting when you have a grandparent visiting.
 Rhett was being super cute playing peek-a-boo.
Anthony was being a little annoying with all the pictures he was taking. (We just got a new camera.)Yes, we need a picture of me making the pancakes in sweats- thank you. Caramel trying to have good table manners and not show her mouth full of food when her picture is being taken.
Grandpa Neil giving his son that look.
Enough with the picture taking.

Grandpa Neil Visit

Grandpa Neil came to visit, as he usually does in April and October. The kids love to go to the airport and pick up family. It was great to see him! We went to the park where the kids swung and picked dandelion bouquets. Rhett decided he was brave enough to go down the big slide. Now he goes down all the big slides at parks.



After running around we ate at the Rainforest Cafe. Rhett and Caramel loved looking around at the animals in the resturant. Rhett was a little concerned about those monkeys right next to the table swinging around.

Ladies and Oreos

I had a girl's night that was Mexican themed at the house. Grammy Pam babysat Anthony, Rhett, and Caramel and loaned me some party supplies. They took off early- it was relaxing to clean up listening to Hallelujah. There was a nice turn out of ladies, half of which are pregnant so the topics and stories were entertaining. We had virgin margaritas and daiquiris with Mexican sides and desserts. I made this ice cream Oreo fudge pie. Oreo cookies are just so amazingly good. I rarely buy them because once they are open they are gone. Hot fudge A plus as well. Ice cream, Oreo and hot fudge- gone in a second.

Favorite Nursery Song

 Rhett looked out the window one day, "Popcorn, popcorn." Then sang his version of Popcorn Popping. I was surprised he knew it was a popcorn tree they sing about in the song. Popcorn Popping is one of the several songs he will request at night. It is wonderful to have a window you can look out and see popcorn popping on.
Popcorn Popping
I looked out the window, and what did I see?
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!
Spring had brought me such a nice surprise,
Blossoms popping right before my eyes.
I could take an armful and make a treat,
A popcorn ball that would smell so sweet.
It wasn't really so, but it seemed to be
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree.

I was repainting the kitchen wall that Rhett loves to get yogurt on, when I noticed two birds flying back and forth next to the sliding glass door. They were building a nest in this bird house (a decoration from my wedding reception). I was surprised the birds would use it this close to the house and under the awning.

I recently learned the song Birds in the Tree when picking out songs Nursery age kids might enjoy. It is a cute little song - I sing it in my head every now and then. At BYU I had to take a nature class were you're assigned to identify some large number of birds- since then I always notice birds especially when driving on 405. There are always hawks sitting on light posts or trees near by.
 Birds in the Tree
We will find a little nest in the branches of a tree
Let us count the eggs inside; There are one, two, three.
Mother bird sits on the nest to hatch the eggs, all three.
Father bird flies round and round to guard his family.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

More Celebrating

We celebrated Caramel's birthday yet again. This time with Grammy and Tinkerbell chocolate cupcakes with pink sparkly frosting. The kids wanted to touch and eat them as soon as they appeared. Rhett has been asking for cupcakes like it is a everyday food item- maybe we had a little too many cupcakes this time.

Caramel received some princess accessorizes from Aunt Charity. Caramel was able to bring the wand to preschool for Letter W Show and Tell. Caramel was hopping all over the place with a princess bouncy ball. That evening the kids worked on a cool magnet puzzle with a picture of extended family given to them by Grammy.

Tried to take a picture of Rhett and I but he was too busy. He never wants you to help clean out his nose and will work on cleaning it for several minutes. It is a nice quiet distraction for him sometimes.

Caramel also got some crayons you can do face drawings or hand puppet with. Drawing on herself is one of Caramel's favorite things to do. When she is coloring with markers it will amazingly spread all other her hands and arms. When she was younger she would always find the permanent maker to draw on her hand with. This will have to be an activity that is well managed.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hospital Visit

Anthony's childhood friend just had a sweet baby boy. Baby Brandon was very close to Rhett's measurements when he was born. The family looked wonderful. We went to visit them at the hospital with the kids. Caramel and Rhett didn't last long. Caramel was the photographer, a little blurry but centered! The flower picture of course wasn't blurry. Caramel was confused and sad when we weren't picking up her new baby brother at the hospital too that evening. Rhett was sad he didn't get to hold the baby, only tickle his toes and didn't get to eat any of the cupcakes we brought.

Caramel's Preschool Birthday

Caramel's birthday landed on a Tuesday, a preschool day! And she wanted to dress up! Caramel's outfit was actually all purchased by Grandma Brenda. Black and White with a splash of Pink. This is currently the only dress Caramel likes to wear. The dress came with a key necklace, Caramel loves to accessorize. She was a little disappointed about the size of the small brownie cupcakes. But everyone got two! And the kids actually eat the whole thing not just the frosting.

Rhett and I delivered the treats to preschool. Rhett was very excited about this. He loves going inside Caramel's preschool and goes straight for the car bin. "What, I like cars?" Yes, you do!

Caramel enjoys going to preschool and I hope it will be the same for Kindergarten next year.
 Caramel's class of 12 students
 All the girls down at one end of the table. 
 Caramel has to control her brother for pictures to be taken.
Drives me insane when she puts the lockdown on his head or neck.
Rhett loves those cupcakes.
We have had cupcakes very frequently, now the kids think we always have them on hand.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Bike Ride and Kites

Sunny weekend!

The family and Grandpa Dan loaded up on the bikes to enjoy a little bike ride around the neighborhood. Yes, even myself with my huge belly was able to ride. I did feel a little ridiculous at times. Anthony pulled Rhett in the trailer with his dump truck and Caramel rode her small blue bike. Normally, Caramel gets tired after riding to Tiffany Park but this time she rode for a long time, probably because it is a lot more fun with more bike riders. On the way home she did say, "I just don't have enough energies to get home."

We rode to Tiffany Park Elementary school and flew the kites there. Grandpa Dan and Anthony did all the work and the kids were interested for awhile. Later we found out that there is no kite flying at parks in the area by FAA regulations. I have no idea why, but now we know.
Anthony with Caramel's Barbie kite
Grandpa Dan with Rhett's Lightening McQueen kite

Kite interest didn't last long with a play area around.

Two kites flying!

Grandpa Dan and Anthony kite masters

Anthony's Grass

    Anthony enjoys mowing and weeding the lawn probably the most outdoorsy thing he likes. Weeding is like camping for Anthony. Our front lawn is small and looks fine to me, however Anthony thinks it looks horrible and has considered reseeding it. There are a couple of neighbors that are older and have their lawn professionally done. It does look very nice, but no way I am paying someone to have amazing grass.
    The backyard is much more work. I like having the open grass for the kids to run around in; but there are so many weeds it is ridiculous. Being pregnant, weeding isn't my favorite thing right now. I did finally plant a lilac tree we were given, didn't think I could get it in the wheelbarrow but I managed.
    Recently my dad gave Anthony this new weeding tool which he loves. It gets the whole root out more often than the other tool we have.
 Anthony's new tool.
What the lawn looks like about 10 minutes after Anthony gets home from work.
  The longest weed ever!
 A comparison to normal weeds.