Monday, April 16, 2012

Anthony's Grass

    Anthony enjoys mowing and weeding the lawn probably the most outdoorsy thing he likes. Weeding is like camping for Anthony. Our front lawn is small and looks fine to me, however Anthony thinks it looks horrible and has considered reseeding it. There are a couple of neighbors that are older and have their lawn professionally done. It does look very nice, but no way I am paying someone to have amazing grass.
    The backyard is much more work. I like having the open grass for the kids to run around in; but there are so many weeds it is ridiculous. Being pregnant, weeding isn't my favorite thing right now. I did finally plant a lilac tree we were given, didn't think I could get it in the wheelbarrow but I managed.
    Recently my dad gave Anthony this new weeding tool which he loves. It gets the whole root out more often than the other tool we have.
 Anthony's new tool.
What the lawn looks like about 10 minutes after Anthony gets home from work.
  The longest weed ever!
 A comparison to normal weeds.

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