Friday, April 27, 2012

Puyallup Spring Fair

A sunny Saturday and Grandpa Neil in town, we decided to go to the Puyallup Fair. Parking and getting through the gate was nice and quick. We started with looking at a couple of the animal barns. Man, they smelled bad. The kids liked looking at the animals and seeing the curly pig tails.

Then we made it over to the ride section. It think this picture of Grandpa Neil and Rhett is when they saw the chaos of the small crowded area. There were a lot of kid rides in this small area with lines everywhere. It was crazy! The main problem was the lines didn't flow well.

Grandpa Neil got to ride on the Fire Engine ride with the kids that goes in a vertical circle. Anthony did the spinning ride that Grandpa Neil and I were glad watch from the sidelines. Rhett didn't really meet the height requirement on the rides.

After a long day in the sun we got to relax at home and open some presents. Caramel got a fun My Little Pony train set and Rhett some Lightening McQueen Legos. Luckily the Cars were able to share the train tracks with the Ponies.
And of course a ton of chocolate things that was all over their faces by the end.

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